Monday, August 13, 2012



I hope you will enjoy the course


SUBJECT:           ENGLISH _______, Level(s) ________                       


                                       SCHEDULE:      ______________________________  

                                               TEACHER:          ______________________________ 


optional mail:   _________________________________            


                                                         Reading Comprehension                     10%
                                                         Listening Comprehension                   10%
                                                         Oral Production                                      10%
                                                         Written Production                               10%
                                                         Partial   Evaluation                                30%
                                                         Final Evaluation                                     30%                                                                                                      
                                                         T O T A L                                                  100%
·        Grammar
-        There will be several quizzes during the course.
-        The quizzes will be on a weekly basis
-        The quizzes will be in different formats (i.e. fill-in the blanks, word formation, etc).
-        If the student misses one of the quizzes, he/she will not be able to do it later. It will represent a zero in his/her grades, which will be averaged together with the other quizzes. (Unless the absence is due to an institutional event and the teacher must be told before the day of the quiz)
-        The students should keep the quizzes and include them in the portfolios.
·        Reading                                                                                                                                                     
-        During the course the student will read several texts. There could be articles, essays, reviews, synopsis, etc. from different sources such as magazines, newspapers, web pages, etc…
-        Reading section is focussed on different reading skills such as discerning main ideas, understanding sequence, noticing specific details, making inferences, making comparisons, and making predictions.
·        Formal Writing
-        At the end of the four levels the student will know how to write essays, articles, formal and informal letters, reviews, reports, etc. in the correct format.
-        Compulsory range of words: level I (80-120), level II (120-160), Level III (180-200), level IV (220-260), Level V (280-300)

-        The student must use the EBC format for writing projects; always including the logo of the institution in English, subject, name of the Teacher, full name of the student, student Id number, and the specified task.
-        The student may NOT copy and paste info from internet. He/she must paraphrase. If the teacher detects a single sentence from internet, the task will be cancelled (rescinded) without having the option of doing it again. The student will get a 0 (zero).
-        If the student needs to quote, he/she should do it in the correct form
-        The teacher WILL NOT accept any written task/project on a simple notebook sheet of paper, dirty or folded papers, or in any other condition showing lack of responsibility and respect towards the subject.
-        The teacher will tell the students in advance when to bring their laptop to do a written task.
-        The student should re-type all his/her graded projects focussing the attention on correcting the marked mistakes.
-        Both projects (the one of the grade and the already re-typed) should be included in the portfolio.
-        The student must pay attention to all the teacher’s corrections; due to the fact that the teacher will lower more and more points for each mistake as the course goes on.
Oral Presentations
·        Power-Point Presentations
The student will give several oral presentations during the course.
The students must wear professional outfit for the presentation. If it is not the case, the student may NOT present; and it will represent a 0 (zero).
The student should be a very professional speaker.

·        A collection of documents during the whole course.
-        The student should include all the checked and specified (by the teacher) tasks done during the course.
-        At the end of the course (or when the Teacher needs it) the student must hand-in the portfolio in a CD.
-        The portfolio will be graded at the end of the semester. The grade will be recorded in each skill as part of the last unit (4 grades in total). If the student does not comply, his/her grade could be significantly affected.
·        Participations in Class
-        The student should eagerly participate in every activity designed by the teacher for this course.
-        The student may not decide in which activity he/she will participate and in which not. He/She must be involved in ALL the activities.
·         General attitude (lacks of respect)
-        The student MUST behave correctly during the course. It will not be allowed lacks of respect toward his/her classmates, the teacher, and the institution.
-        For any lack of respect, the student will have a serious consequence.
-        If the student lacks of any of these elements, the teacher is allowed to take this student out of the class.
·        Additional tasks
-          The student should fulfil ALL the additional tasks required by the teacher.
Evaluations (EBC)
·        2  Formal Evaluations
-        Partial Evaluation (9th week of the course)
-        Final Evaluation (18th week of the course)
-        These two evaluations will represent 60% of your final grade (30% each)
Note: The teacher may change these assessment criteria depending on the development of the course and/or on the students’ learning with previous authorization from the English Coordination


     The student MUST SPEAK ENGLISH IN CLASS; even if he/she is talking with another classmate. If not, both will be asked to leave the classroom.

     The student should get at least 7.0 (as a final grade) to pass the course. 6.9 is a FAILING grade.

     The class will start sharply on time. There will not be any tolerance. The student MUST be on time to class. If you see the classroom door closed, please avoid knocking, it means the class has started.

     The student should print / have copies of all the hand-outs required by the teacher before class.

     The student MUST check the Important Dates and any others to follow the programmed activities according to your teacher.

     If the student is not able to attend class, homework and exercises will not be accepted.

     HW is for the date assigned by the teacher. Written tasks will not be received via mail, unless the teacher specifies that task will be sent via mail.

     If the teacher does not understand your calligraphy (for any task), she will stop grading your work and you will receive 0 (zero).

     The student may only miss 10 classes in the semester. If the student exceeds this amount (for any reason) he will fail the course with 0 (zero).

     If the student needs URGENTLY to go to the restroom, he/she should not take more than two minutes. If he does, reentry to the class might be denied.

     At the end of the class the students should place the tables and chairs in the correct place and leave the room clean and in order.

     The student MUST dress according to the Rules of the Institution.

     The student MUST behave as a professional showing respect towards the people around him.

     The student will leave the class if:

i.      He does not bring his material (Student´s Book,  hand-outs, etc.)

ii.    The teacher tells the student to leave the class.

iii.  The student is doing HW from another subject.

iv.  The student is playing with any electronic device.

     It is NOT ALLOWED TO:

i.      Have any electronic device on the table (i.e. mobile phones, laps, iPods, etc.) unless the teacher authorizes it. If the student needs to receive an extremely important call, he/she should tell the teacher in advance. As soon as the student receives the call, he will go out without distracting his classmates. Every time the mobile phone sounds, the student will be asked to leave the classroom.

ii.    Print the corresponding HW during the class. The student should print it previously.

iii.  Wear piercings, caps, torn jeans, etc.

iv.  Eat or drink in class. Exception: plain water.


The student MUST NOT show any lack of respect, such as:

i.      Shouting in class.

ii.    Making fun of others.


Business Result _________________________ Student´s Book

Interactive Workbook CD-ROM

English Dictionary

NB: These Class Regulations must be included in the Portfolio.

I____________________________________________ understand the guidelines set for the English course, accept them and compromise to comply with them. In case I fail in doing so, I understand and accept the established consequences imposed by the English department.

_____________________________________________                                    _________________________

                               Signature                                                                                                            Date

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